Ulysse Flex, in partnership with Koala : our cancellation guarantee

If you are reading this article, it means that you have signed up for the cancellation service or are curious about what is behind these words.

What it includes :

This product is the result of our partnership with Koala, the new warranty company in the world of travel.

It allows you to cancel your trip on your own initiative as long as your reservation is valid, up to 2 days before the departure date of your 1st flight!

In a nutshell, you can cancel your reservation for any reason you choose if you no longer wish or are no longer able to take your flights. Whether it's because of a broken leg, a last minute visit from your mother-in-law, the release of the final season of Money Heist or your fear of the sanitary conditions in the destination country, you are free to cancel your reservation at your leisure.

The (big) plus: no proof will ever be required to justify your cancellation, word of your captain.

For the moment, the cancellation of your reservation is done for all the passengers in your reservation and for all the flights. Be sure to ask everyone in your reservation before canceling your reservation, because once canceled, you will not be able to go back. No worries, we are already looking into the possibility of individually canceling your reservation (patience, patience).

The reimbursement offered by the product :

In the event of cancellation on your own initiative, you will be compensated up to 80% of the amount of the trip, as long as the cancellation occurs at least 2 days before the departure of your 1st flight.

The basis of reimbursement is the actual cost of your trip at the time of your reservation (this includes additional baggage and various airport taxes). Only the price of the service is not taken into account in calculating the refund.

For example, if you go to Barcelona for a weekend for $175 (having subscribed to the service for $25) and you ultimately no longer wish to go to Catalan lands, the product will reimburse you $120 to your bank account ((175-25 ) x 0.8)).

Please note, if you cancel your reservation less than 2 days before your departure, you will not be able to benefit from the cancellation without reason and will no longer be able to claim the refund provided for by the product.

What it does not include :

The cancellation without reason service allows you to cancel your reservation without reason up to 2 days before the departure of your 1st flight, as long as your reservation is still valid!

Therefore, if your reservation is canceled by the airline (or anyone other than you or someone accompanying you), you will not be able to use the service.

The reason: You will receive a full refund from the entity responsible for canceling your trip following that cancellation.

If you are curious and want to know more, you can read in detail the general conditions of sale of the service.

You can now leave with a light mind, we will always be by your side.